Cadaver Lab Images
Case Studies
Product Animations
brochure / poster
Training video
clinical Articles
Phuong-Khanh J. Nguyen-Trong MD. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions Vol 88, Issue 7. December 2016; 1067–1074
Kintur A. Sanghvi, Thomas Morris, Richard Kovach JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions Volume 9, Issue 4, Supplement, 22 February 2016, Page S7
Robert F. Riley and Bill Lombardi Cardiol Cardiovascmed 2017; 1 (1): 64-71
Instructions for Use
Indications, Contraindications, Warnings & Precautions
The FLASH™ Ostial system in a specialty balloon device and should only be used by physicians who are trained to use it.
To request a complete copy of the IFU or user training, please contact customer service at